Descrição do Curso:

Os profissionais do programa de inglês da Academique são experientes e possuem muitos anos de ensino em todo o mundo.

Sabemos o que é preciso para melhorar seu segundo idioma e nosso programa é muito focado em obter resultados.


Ao contrário de muitas faculdades ELICOS, temos alguma flexibilidade com horários e dias de estudo por meio de nosso sistema de aprendizado individual guiado

Estrutura do curso

Existem 5 níveis, e cada nível tem 12 semanas de duração.

Os alunos podem começar o curso todas as Segundas-feiras , exceto feriados.

Feriados: A cada 8 semanas de estudo os alunos  terão  ferias curtas. O curso de ELICOS (curso de Ingles) fecha por 4 semanas na época de Natal/Ano Novo.


Nosso curso foi desenvolvido e testado ao longo de muitos anos para ajudar nossos alunos a atingir seus objetivos o mais rápido possível.



Student can

•          deal reasonably competently with everyday situations

•          write simple sentences

•          follow instructions and ask for clarification

•          read, understand and extract information from short texts


Student can

•          deal with more complex communication for problem solving in everyday life

•          write simple paragraphs dealing with factual matter and expressing opinions

•          understand and respond to questions in familiar situations

•          read, understand and interpret longer texts


Student can

•          communicate reasonably comfortably in familiar situations and on some more abstract topics

•          write letters, short essays and articles

•          understand and respond to questions in most situations, including the unfamiliar

•          read, understand and interpret longer texts, newspaper articles and novels


Student can

•          handle communication in most situations, using generally accurate linguistic resources

•          contribute comfortably to classroom interaction and discussions on a range of topics

•          write essays, research and present projects

•          read, understand and interpret longer, more complex texts on a variety of subjects

•          interact comfortably with native speakers, producing generally coherent discourse


Student can

•          handle communication in most situations, using accurate and appropriate linguistic resources

•          contribute with ease to classroom interaction and discussions on a range of topics, including abstract and unfamiliar

•          write essays and analytical assignments, research and present projects

•          read, understand and interpret texts of a more academic nature, and on a variety of subjects

•          interact fluently with native speakers, producing coherent and articulate discourse