Category Archives: CHRME

Black and Blue

PROBLEM A new manager was recently employed at a local restaurant. He immediately started to have problems with one of the wait staff. She had been on the permanent part-time staff for a long time, and created minor issues in a variety of ways. For example, instead of wearing black pants as agreed, she would […]


Scenario posted out 5/11/16 – contributed by a local business owner.   PROBLEM: A small business has a recurring problem that is not getting better. There are about 4 staff members that could check the toilets every day through their daily use, but nobody takes responsibility for regularly checking them, and dirty toilets are discovered repeatedly. (Those staff members don’t have to actually […]


John, a local business owner has contacted CHRME with his situation below. PROBLEM: John runs a medium-sized contracting business. Like many other businesses in his sector, a change to government policy has affected his turnover and he is desperate to realign his business to avoid incurring losses. It seems the best solution is just to retrench staff until his […]